Hey there fat face, turd breath, boonhole, butt sniffer, poopsicle, back-butt, chesticle, ponny poo. Welcome to our world.

Friday, July 9, 2010


BTWs I love working in a Bakery. It's tough sometimes to not eat the delicious food, but it's so fun to sell well priced food to happy costumers. And the people I work with are all super nice and fun to be around. Plus, sometimes you get free treats. However, once in a while within the hoards of wonderful customers you get a butt. There was a lady today who asked if we had wheat bread. I directed her to the wheat bread. I informed her that it isn't whole wheat, but it's wheat bread. She was very confused and didn't seem to understand how you could have wheat bread that isn't whole wheat bread. I don't know lady! I sell it, I don't bake it. And then in an irritated tone she asked if it was healthy. What am I supposed to say to that. "Well that's a relative question ma'am, it's healthier than all of these donuts." I just don't like when people get ticked over little things like whether it's whole wheat or not. Why in hades does it matter? Just go eat some grass.

This is the outside of where I work.

And this is the inside of where I work. It's a random picture off the internet, so it ins't me. But you can pretend it is.


  1. Oh I thought that blonde girl was you.

  2. Isn't it ironic that I was complaining about people getting ticked over little things when I was getting ticked over little things? Yeah. It is. I must have been on my you-know-what...

  3. That was a classic "Dad" quote about healthy being a relative question. I saw it coming, and I thank you immensely for providing it.
